Welcome to the Office of the City Clerk

Tiffany Justice, City Clerk
215 S Mill St
   Louisville OH 44641  
(330) 875-3321 Ext. 202

To provide information regarding all Council activities, City Council meetings, ordinances and resolutions.
To provide the public with access to all legislative records and to provide an avenue to address public concern.
Other Services:  
Liason to City Administration, assist the general public, retain custody of all laws and ordinances of the City.
City Council meetings are regularly scheduled on the first and third Monday of the month excluding holidays.
Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. in the City 
Council Chambers at 1022 W Main St, Louisville, OH 44641. Public attendance is invited and encouraged.
All deliberations of City Council shall be made public except in those instances exempted by law, pursuant to Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.  

All legislation enacted by City Council and copies of Council and Committee minutes are kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk.