Single Hauler Opt-Out Request Form

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Single Hauler Opt-Out Request Form

The City of Louisville has contracted with a single refuse hauler for all residential properties with a curbside collection for trash pickup. Residential properties are defined as 1, 2, or 3 family dwellings. Exclusions to participating in the contract are businesses, construction sites, commercial contracts, multi-family/apartment complexes (with more than three units), or if an HOA and/or private street contracts with a waste company to provide service to all the residential households within their neighborhood.
Please complete the following:
Opt-Out Address (Use separate form for each request) *
Is the Opt-Out Address a Rental?

How are you, the applicant, related to the property? *

Please initial that you have read and understand the below statements:
  • Only the Franchised Operator (KIMBLE) is permitted to pick up the city’s residential solid waste, recyclables, and yard waste, and provide the annual curbside spring clean-up.
  • Opt-out requests will be considered annually on a first-come, first-served basis. (A maximum of 10% of residential households are permitted to opt-out of the single hauler program).
  • By opting out, I understand the above opt-out address will not be eligible for the annual curbside spring clean-up.
I, the undersigned Applicant, wish to Opt-Out of the City of Louisville’s single trash hauler contract, and all its provided services, for the opt-out address listed above. I understand that I may opt-in for the single hauler contract at any time by contacting (330) 875-2266 Ext 310.

* - denotes required field